If you will begin with certainties, you shall end in doubts,
but if you will content to begin with doubts, you shall end in certainties.
After Francis Bacon (AD 1561 - 1626)
Bacon is a CRAN R package. Make sure you have installed a recent version of R (at least 3.4.2). Install the Bacon package by typing, within the R terminal, install.packages('rbacon') (note the name and the lower case). Choose a mirror near to you. To load the code, type library(rbacon) or require(rbacon).
Please read the manual.
You can still download a pre-R-package version (2.2) of Bacon for Windows, Mac, and Linux. However, these versions will no longer be maintained and the official R package is the recommended way to run Bacon.
For any questions regarding this software, please mail me or Andres Christen.