QUB | Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre

Manual for psimpoll and pscomb


Menu D: diagram style

D Diagram style
a <Experimental> Tufte style (off)               [off]
b Diagram type (outline)                         [outline]
c x10 exaggeration (off)                         [off]
d Shade of grey for filling plots (0)            [0.000]
e Angle of rotation for taxa names (45)          [45]
f Join-up across missing levels (off)            [off]
g Width of bars for histograms (0)               [0.0]
h Place a dot next to low values (off)           [off]
i Upper value for placing dot (0.5)              [0.5]
j Include radiocarbon age locations (on)         [on]
k Factor to adjust width of lines (1)            [1.0]
l Resolution of curve in age-depth plots (1000)  [1000]
9 Leave this menu
Changes aspects of the style of the diagram:
Menu Da: Tufte style
Experimental approach to the layout of pollen diagrams, following the ideas of Tufte(1983). Incomplete;

Toggles from `on' to `off'.

Menu Db: type
The diagram type may be `outline' (lines along curves, with data points connected back to the base line), or `filled' (shaded between curve and baseline). Curves plotted with confidence intervals (including rarefaction values) cannot be plotted `filled'. This option can be selected for individual types: see menu K;

Toggles from `outline' to `filled'.

Menu Dc: × 10 exaggeration
Adds a curve at × 10 beyond the principal curve. This option can be selected for individual types: see menu K;

Toggles from `on' to `off'.

Menu Dd: shading
Allows selection of the grey shade used in plots that are filled. This option has no effect if `outline' plots are selected (menu Db). The available shades run continuously from 0.0 (black) to 1.0 (white). Plots are outlined in black, so completely white will be `visible'. This option can also be selected for individual types: see menu K;

[Allowed range 0-1].

Menu De: name angle
Changes the angle for names of taxa and headings, in degrees anticlockwise from horizontal;

[Allowed range 0-90].

Menu Df: join-up across samples
Controls whether curves are joined up across missing samples;

Toggles from `on' to `off'.

Menu Dg: histogram width
Changes the width of histogram bars, using the same width for all samples. This should be used merely as a graphical device, except in the rare situation that all samples really did have the same width. For varying histogram widths, the widths have to be entered with the sample values (using `m' or `x' as the first character of the two-character code in Item 4 of the input (see Data preparation). The units for histogram width are the same as the units of the samples, allowing for any conversion to ages;

[Allowed range 0-1000].

Menu Dh: bullet
Adds a solid dot next to low values that are non-zero but less than a default value of 0.5% (or equivalent after scaling for non-percentage data). The default value can be changed from menu Di. These symbols are not placed by certain special curves (such as sums, rarefaction, rate-of-change, charcoal, etc). This option can also be selected for individual types: see menu K;

Toggles from `on' to `off'.

Menu Di: bullet threshold
Changes the value of the upper limit for placing a solid dot next to a curve (see menu Dh). The value can also be selected for individual types: see menu K;

[Allowed range 0-1,000,000].

Menu Dj: Include radiocarbon age locations
By default, the locations of radiocarbon age determinations are plotted along side the left hand age or depth scale (if they are available). This option toggles this feature off.

Toggles from `on' to `off'.

Menu Dk: Factor to adjust width of lines
Factor to vary widths of lines from the default (taken to be 1). This value is device dependent, and some experimentation may be needed to achieve the desired output. High-resolution devices are capable of finer lines, and the line width may need to increased considerably before there is much noticeable difference in the output;

[Allowed range 0-100].

Menu Dl: Resolution of curve in age-depth plots
The graph in age-depth plots is made up of a series of short straight line segments. This option controls how many there are. The default is 1000, but this may be time-consuming to generate. Fewer segments means lower resolution: the graph may become visibly step-like. More segments means a smoother curve.

[Allowed range 10-10000].

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Copyright © 1995-2007 K.D. Bennett

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre | URL http://www.qub.ac.uk/arcpal/ | WebMaster