Archaeology and Palaeoecology |
The 14Chrono Centre
Manual for psimpoll and pscomb
Offers the following choices for the age model to be
1 Linear interpolation between dates
2 Cubic spline interpolation
3 General linear line-fitting by weighted least-squares
4 General linear line-fitting by singular value decomposition
5 Curve-fitting by Bernshtein polynomial
6 Loess smoothing
Enter age model
- Ld.1
- Linear interpolation is a good standby,
and surprisingly hard to beat, but confidence intervals are poor.
- Ld.2
- Cubic spline is a form of curve fitting,
based on 4-term polynomials, that passes through all the given points.
It can be interesting, but is highly susceptible to wild swings even
short distances outside the range of given dates.
- Ld.3
- The age-depth model is a polynomial
curve, fitted using `normal' equations, of the type
y = a + bx + cx2 + dx3 etc.,
where y is estimated age, and x is sediment depth. Having selected
one of these options, you may need to indicate how many terms you
want in the polynomial (menu Le).
A two-term model (i.e., y = a + bx)
is identical to linear
regression. The number should be in the range from 2 up to the
number of age estimates available, inclusive, or else 0 to obtain
the results of chi² from attempts to fit curves using first 2,
then 3, up to the maximum number of terms in turn. You then need
to choose which number of terms to use. In general, the idea is
to use as few terms as possible, consistent with a low value
for chi². To help evaluate chi², a measure of the
goodness-of-fit is also given. This number is the probability that
results as bad as yours would have been obtained if the selected
model and number of terms is the right one. This value should,
ideally, exceed 0.05, but often the best available value will be
much less than this. You should notice that chi² values
become lower with more terms used: a better fit with more terms.
Occasionally, the goodness-of-fit will increase slightly as the
number of terms increases. This is because the number of degrees
of freedom decreases with increasing numbers of terms.
- Ld.4
- As for Ld.3,
except that curves are fitted using singular
value decomposition (SVD): see Press et al. (1992) for details.
SVD should always give results at least as good as the normal
equations: with some datasets it may do better. Try both.
- Ld.5
The age-depth model is constructed using a
Bernshtein polynomial, also known as a Bézier curve.
This is a curve that passes smoothly through or near all
the points, and is fitted by successive approximation.
It is constrained so that it must pass through both
endpoints (the highest and lowest ages). It will always fall
within a polygon that bounds all the points. The curve uses all
points for estimating an age for any given depth, so
changing any point influences the entire curve. I find
that it tends to fit close to most points, but will effectively bypass
an outlier. The curve also tends to be rather stiff, but this has
the advantage that it does not behave wildly in extrapolated
portions (cf. the spline in menu Ld.2,
for example).
Newman and Sproull (1981)
discuss the properties of these curves in more detail.
Gradients on this curve are obtained by numerical differentiation,
using a central difference formula.
- Ld.6
- The age-depth model is
constructed by local regression. This is an approach that fits
curves to noisy data by a multivariate smoothing procedure: fitting
a linear or quadratic function of the variables in a moving fashion
that is analogous to how a moving average is computed for a time
series. The method is described by
Cleveland (1979) and
Cleveland and Devlin (1988).
Do not use age models blindly. Some fitted curves can do strange things
(especially the spline), others will simply not provide reasonable fits
(usually through inadequate estimation of errors on ages, or peculiarly
variable sediment accumulation patterns). Before using these models to
interpret pollen data, check the PostScript output file. Is it reasonable? Are
there portions where the curve provides a negative accumulation rate? What
happens in extrapolated portions of the curve? Use the confidence interval
option with concentration data to see the sample standard deviations of the
calculated sediment accumulation rates. Compare curve output with linear
interpolation output.
Graphical and data output is provided even where accumulation rates are
negative. This may look strange, especially on the main pollen diagram.
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Copyright © 1995-2007 K.D. Bennett
Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136
Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre | URL http://www.qub.ac.uk/arcpal/ |