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Manual for psimpoll and pscomb


This is the manual for psimpoll and pscomb, computer programs for the production of diagrams displaying pollen and other stratigraphical data to a standard acceptable as camera-ready copy for publication, with all the features that would be expected in a hand-drawn diagram. It assumes only that you have access to a computer (which may be of any make or operating system), you are basically familiar with the process of manipulating files with a text editor, you have access to an output device with a PostScript interpreter, and you have some data that you wish to plot.

This manual describes psimpoll 4.25 and pscomb 1.03. Development of psimpoll from earlier versions has been as follows, in summary:

Addition of local regression fitting for age-depth models;
Addition of facility to handle calibrated radiocarbon ages;
Addition of correspondence analysis;
Introduction of colour.

10 November 2003
K.D. Bennett
Geocentrum, Uppsala University
Villavägen 16
SE-752 36 Uppsala

fax: + 46 18 55 5920
e-mail: Keith.Bennett@geo.uu.se
Anonymous ftp

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