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Manual for psimpoll and pscomb

Table of character codes in Symbol encoding for use in labels

What to type in order to have the indicated character displayed on the final diagram. Examples are shown where this is possible within the limitations of\ HTML 2.0, or names of characters otherwise.

Type:   to get:
"       universal
'       such that
\243    less than or equals
\245    infinity
\247    clubs
\250    diamonds
\251    hearts
\252    spades
\253    left-right arrow
\254    left arrow
\255    up arrow
\256    right arrow
\257    down arrow
\260    °
\261    ±
\263    greater than or equals
\264    ×
\265    proportional to
\266    partial
\267    bullet
\270    ÷
\271    not equal
\272    equivalence
\273    approximate
\274    ellipsis
\275    |
\276    em dash
\277    carriage return
\300    aleph
\301    Ifraktur
\302    Rfraktur
\303    weierstrass
\304    circle times
\305    circle plus
\306    empty set
\307    intersection
\310    union
\311    superset
\312    superset equals
\313    not subset
\314    subset
\315    subset equals
\316    element
\317    not element
\320    angle
\321    gradient
\322    registered serif
\323    copyright serif
\324    trademark serif
\325    product
\326    radical
\327    ·
\330    ¬
\331    logical and
\332    logical or
\333    double left right arrow
\334    double left arrow
\335    double up arrow
\336    double right arrow
\337    double left arrow
\340    diamond
\341    angle left
\342    registered sans serif
\343    copyright sans serif
\344    trademark sans serif
\345    sum
\361    angle right

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Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre | URL http://www.qub.ac.uk/arcpal/ | WebMaster