QUB | Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre
adplot.fname: output file for age-depth plots; Eh; string; a:\dallAD.ps; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
age.adbc: flag for plotting age scale in AD/BC units rather than BP; Li; int; 0; 0 or -1.
age.base: age for base of lowest sample in sequence; Lc; real; 0; 0-107.
age.basesd: standard deviation for age of lowest sample in sequence; Lc; real; 50; 0-2000.
age.c14k: laboratory error multiplier for radiocarbon ages; Lg; real; 1; 0-5.
age.cal: flag for reading ages from CAl file instaead of C14 file; Lj; int; 0; 0 or -1.
age.flag: flag for conversion of depths to ages; La; int; 0; 0 or -1.
age.model: selection of age model; Ld; int; 1-5 (see menu).
age.ngterm: number of terms used in Gaussians for age.model 6; Lf; int; 0-12.
age.npterm: number of terms used in polynomials for age.model 3 or 4; Le; int; 0-12.
age.timx: flag for addition of a timescale next to the depth scale; Lh; int; 0; 0 or -1.
age.up: age for uppermost sample; Lb; real; 0; -1000-100000.
age.upsd: standard deviation for age of uppermost sample; Lb; real; 50; 0-2000.
agedep.fname: output file for age-depth conversion results; Eb; string; a:\dallAD; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
agerange.coldep: colour identifier for depth axis; Cf (age-depth); long; 0; none.
agerange.colpl: colour identifier for main curve; Cc (age-depth); long; 0; none.
agerange.colsdpl: colour identifier for confidence interval curves; Cd (age-depth); long; 0; none.
agerange.col14c: colour identifier for data points; Ce (age-depth); long; 0; none.
agerange.colxax: colour identifier for x-axis; Cg (age-depth); long; 0; none.
ca.dca: flag for detrended correspondence analysis; Mea; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ca.flag: flag for correspondence analysis; Me.0; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ca.iresc: number of times to rescale axes in correspondence analysis; Med; int; 4; 0-20.
ca.irescfg: flag for rescaling axes in correspondence analysis; Mec; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ca.iweigh: flag for downweighting rare taxa in correspondence analysis; Meb; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ca.mk: number of segments used in detrended correspondence analysis; Mee; int; 25; 10-46.
ca.model.ci: flag for modelling correspondence analysis; Meh.0; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ca.model.n: number of models to carry out for correspondence analysis; Meh.1; int; 10; 1-1000.
ca.tran: method of transformation of dataset before CA; Meg; int; 0; 0-4 (see menu).
ci.cvsed: annual sediment variability; N1; real; 0, but 0.03 if the data is presented as concentrations for conversion to accumulation rates; 0-1.
ci.flag: flag for calculation of confidence intervals; N; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ci.looplim: number of attempts to achieve an age-depth model without negative accumulation rates before restarting; N7; long int; 1000000; 1-LONG_MAX (which is at least 2147483647).
ci.n: method for calculating confidence intervals; N2; int; 1; 1 or 2 (see menu).
ci.negar: flag for allowing negative accumulation rates in age-depth modelling; N6; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
ci.nran: number of simulations for calculation of confidence intervals; N5; int; 100; 10-1000.
coll.all: flag for considering all samples for scaling; Bb; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
coll.bull: flag for placing a solid dot (bullet) next to samples with low values; Dh; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
coll.c14scale: flag for enabling or disabling the inclusion of a column of radiocarbon age locations; Dj; int; -1; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0 respectively.
coll.coldep: colour identifier for age-depth axis; Cf (main); long; 0; none.
coll.colpl: colour identifier for plots; Cd (main); long; 0; none.
coll.coltit: colour identifier for title; Ce (main); long; 0; none.
coll.colts: colour identifier for sediment column; Ch (main); long; 0; none.
coll.colxax: colour identifier for x-axes; Cj (main); long; 0; none.
coll.colzone: colour identifier for zone column; Ci (main); long; 0; none.
coll.col14c: colour identifier for 14C column; Cg (main); long; 0; none.
coll.hist: value for histogram widths for all samples; Dg; real; 0; 0-1000.
coll.indscale: flag to enable independent scaling; Ba; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
coll.indspl: flag for independent splitting; Mh; int; 0; 0 or -1.
coll.interp: flag for interpolating samples; Bf; int; 0; 0 or -1.
coll.ix10: flag for \times 10 exaggeration; Dc; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
coll.join: flag for join-up across missing samples; Df; int; 0; 0 or -1.
coll.lval: upper value for placing a solid dot (bullet) next to a curve; Di; real; 0.5; 0-106.
coll.penwid: width of pen lines; Dk; real; 5; 0-100.
coll.rot: angle of rotation for taxa names; De; int; 45; -90-90.
coll.script: flag for reading from a script file; P; int; 0; 0 or -1.
coll.shade: value set for the grey shade in filled plots; Dd, K; real; 0; 0-1.
coll.skip: value of n for omission of every nth sample; Be; int; 0; -100-100.
coll.style: diagram style; Db; int; 0; 0 or 1.
coll.taxano: flag for displaying taxa numbers with the names; Dn; int; 0; 0 or -1.
coll.taxaright: flag for placing taxa names right and scales left; Dm; int; 0; 0 or -1.
dat.fname: output file dataste; Eg; string; none; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
four.flag: flag for Fourier analysis; Mf; int; 0; 0 or -1.
four.tran: method of transformation of dataset before Fourier analysis; Mf.1; int; 0; 0-4 (see menu).
gl.adpage.minpl: distance on y-axis of age-depth plot for unit time; Ab; real; 0.002; 0.0002-0.02 [appears as 0.1-10 on menu].
gl.adres: resolution of age-depth curve; Dl; int; 1000; 10-10000.
gl.calval: flag for using mode or weighted average with calibrated dates; Lk; int; -1; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
gl.colts: flag for colouring sediment units; Ck (main); int; -1; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
gl.colzone: flag for colouring zones; Cl (main); int; -1; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
gl.font.code: code for font to use for lettering; F; int; `H'; any of A, B, C, E, H, N, P, or T (see menu).
gl.font.ufac: user-imposed size for font; G; real; 0; 0-36 (units of 1 / 72 inches).
gl.mran: method for obtaining random numbers; N3, Mc.7.2, Md.4.2; int; 1; 1-6 (see menu).
gl.neglev: threshold for excluding missing data; Bg; real; -0.99; any negative real number between 0 and -FLT_MAX.
gl.page.minpl: distance on y-axis for 1%; Aa; real; 0.002; 0.0002-0.02 [appears as 0.1-10 on menu].
gl.page.prop: height of diagram as a proportion of page height; Ad; real; 0.75; 1000 / gl.page.high to gl.papht / gl.page.high, where gl.page.high = gl.page.wide / square-root(2) [appears on menu as 10-297].
gl.page.wide: page width in units of 0.01mm; Ac; real; 24000; 1000-42000 [appears as 10-420 on menu].
gl.papht: paper height in units of 0.01mm; Ae; real; 29700; 29700, 42000, 27940 or 35560 [appears as A4, A3, Letter or Legal on menu].
gl.papwid: paper width in units of 0.01mm; Ae; real; 21000; 21000, 29700, 21590 or 21590 [appears as A4, A3, Letter or Legal on menu].
gl.palette.back: background colour identifier; Cb (both); long; 1; none.
gl.palette.fore: foreground colour identifier; Cc (main); long; 0; none.
gl.recalc: flag for whether datasets should be recalculated to proportions of the sum of the values included before analysis; Mj; int; -1; 0 or -1.
gl.seed: seed for random number generator; N4, Mc.7.3, Md.4.2; string; `TIMER'; either `TIMER' or a positive number of 10 digits or fewer, and less than 2147483647.
gl.showmem: flag for wrting details of memory allocation to logfile; Ud (main); int; -1; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
gl.sum2col: flag for printing sum values in a double column; Bd; int; 0; 0 or -1.
gl.tufte: flag for switching to Tufte diagram style; Da; int; 0; 0 or -1.
gl.ver: current version number; n.a.; real; 4.27; n.a.
head.adxaxis[C14BP]: label for x-axis of age-depth plot in radiocarbon years BP; Ij (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `Age ({14}C yr BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.adxaxis[CALBP]: label for x-axis of age-depth plot in calendar years BP; Ij (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `Age (Cal. yr BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.adxaxis[C14AD}: label for x-axis of age-depth plot in radiocarbon years BP; Ij (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `Age ({14}C yr AD/BC)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.adxaxis[CALAD]: label for x-axis of age-depth plot in calendar years AD/BC; Ij (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `Age (Cal. yr AD/BC)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.adyaxis: label for y-axis of age-depth plot; Ik; string; `Depth (cm)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.base: text at base of diagram; Ia; string; none; any text up to 75 characters.
head.age[C14BP]: heading for age column in radiocarbon years BP; If (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `{14}C ages (yr BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.age[CALBP]: heading for age column in calibrated years BP; If (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `Cal. ages (yr BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.age[C14AD]: heading for age column in radiocarbon years AD/BC; If (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `{14}C ages (yr AD/BC)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.age[CALAD]: heading for age column in calibrated years AD/BC; If (but access depends on settings in menu L); string; `Cal. ages (yr AD/BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.dendro: heading for dendrogram produced by CONISS or CONIIC; Id; string; none; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[DEPTH]: first line of heading for depth axis; Ig (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `Depth' if data are presented by depth, `Sample' if data are presented as surface samples; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[C14BP]: first line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in radiocarbon years BP; Ig (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `Age'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[CALBP]: first line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in calendar years BP; Ig (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `Age'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[C14AD]: first line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in radiocarbon years AD/BC; Ig (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `Age'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[CALAD]: first line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in calendar years Ad/BC; Ig (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `Age'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps2: second line of heading for depth axis; Ih; string; `cm' or `m', as appropriate, if data are presented by depth, none if data is presented as surface samples; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[C14BP]: second line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in radiocarbon years BP; Ih (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `yr BP'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[CALBP]: second line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in calendar years BP; Ih (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `yr BP'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[C14AD]: second line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in radiocarbon years AD/BC; Ih (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `yr AD/BP'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.ps1[CALAD]: second line of heading for age axis (if present) for ages in calendar years Ad/BC; Ih (access depends upon settings in menu L); string; `yr BP'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.sed: heading for sediment column; Ie; string; none; any text up to 75 characters.
head.time[C14BP]: heading for timescale column in radiocarbon years BP; Ii (but access depends upon settings in menu L); string; 'Age ({14}C yr BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.time[CALBP]: heading for timescale column in calendar years BP; Ii (but access depends upon settings in menu L); string; 'Age (Cal. yr BP)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.time[C14AD]: heading for timescale column in radiocarbon years AD/BC; Ii (but access depends upon settings in menu L); string; 'Age ({14}C yr AD/BC)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.time[CALAD]: heading for timescale column in calendar years AD/BC; Ii (but access depends upon settings in menu L); string; 'Age (Cal. yr AD/BC)'; any text up to 75 characters.
head.subtitle: subtitle text, printed on diagram immediately after main title, but with smaller lettering; Ib; string; none; any text up to 75 characters.
head.zone: heading for zonation column; Ic; string; none; any text up to 75 characters.
inage.fname: input file with radiocarbon (or other) age details; Ee; string; cC14, where c is the drive and path (if any) plus first four characters of the input filename; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
incal.fname: input file with calibratedage details; Ef; string; cCAL, where c is the drive and path (if any) plus first four characters of the input filename; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
intfg: flag for interactive plotting; K; int; 0; 0 or -1.
ints.fname: input file with sediment description details; Ef; string; cTS, where c is the drive and path (if any) plus first four characters of the input filename; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
lev.adsc: flag for turning off the default interval between major and minor marks on the age-depth scale; Bc; int; 0; 0 or -1.
lev.interp: interval between interpolated samples; Bf; real; 1; 1-107.
lev.intstart: level at which to start interpolating samples (highest level); Bf; real; -2000; 1-107.
lev.intstop: level at which to stop interpolating samples (lowest level); Bf; real; 0; -2000-107.
lev.inttype: method for interpolating samples; Bf; int; 0; 0 or 1.
lev.majmark: interval between major marks on age-depth axis; Bc; real; 0; 0-107.
lev.minmark: interval between minor marks on age-depth axis; Bc; real; 0; 0-107.
lev.udata: flag for whether maximum and minimum values for age or depth values have been given; H; int; 0; 0 or -1.
lev.umax: maximum value for age or depth to be plotted; H; real; -2000-107.
lev.umin: minimum value for age or depth to be plotted; H; real; -2000-107.
num.stat: flag for statistical description; Mg; int; 0; 0 or -1.
num.thresh: minimum value for the abundance of a taxon that must be reached for the inclusion of that taxon in most data analyses (negative to disable); Mi; real; 0.05% for data presented as proportions, or 0 for other data types; -1-1 for data presented as proportions, or -10,000,000-10,000,000 for other data types.
outdata.ipdat: flag for printing dataset to file; Ja; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
outdata.ipform: format of datasets to output file; Jb; int; 0; 0-3.
outdata.method: output datasets by row or column; J; int; 0; 0 or -1.
outmain.fname: main PostScript output file; Ea; string; c.PS, where c is the input filename; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
pca.flag: flag for principal components analysis; Md.0; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
pca.matrix: selection of matrix for principal components analysis; Md.1; int; 3; 1-3 (see menu).
pca.model.ci: flag for modelling principal components analysis; Md.4.0; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
pca.model.n: number of models to carry out for principal components analysis; Md.4.1; int; 10; 1-1000.
pca.naxes: number of principal axes for output from PCA; Md.2; int; 6; 1-(number of taxa).
pca.tran: method of transformation of dataset before PCA; Md.3; int; 0; 0-4 (see menu).
rarer.flag: flag for rarefaction analysis; Mb; int; 0; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
rarer.n: standardization count for rarefaction analysis; Mb; int; 0-1000.
roc.diss: selection of dissimilarity measure for rate-of-change calculations; Ma.1; int; 1; 1-3.
roc.flag: flag for rate-of-change calculations; Ma; int; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
roc.model.ci: flag for modelling rates of change; not yet implemented; int; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
roc.model.n: number of models to carry out for rates of change; not yet implemented; int; 10; 1-1000.
roc.smooth: flag for smoothing data before rate-of-change analyses; Ma.2; int; 0; 0, 3, 5, 7 or 9.
stat.fname: output file for data analyses; Ec; string; none; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
sunit[0]: text for labelling pollen concentration (volume) data; Il; string; ` grains cm{-3}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[1]: text for labelling pollen concentration (weight) data; Il; string; ` grains g{-1}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[2]: text for labelling pollen accumulation rate data; Il; string; ` grains cm{-2} year{-1}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[3]: text for labelling charcoal concentration (volume) data; Il; string; ` cm{2} cm{-3}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[4]: text for labelling charcoal accumulation rate data; Il; string; ` cm{2} cm{-2} year{-1}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[5]: text for labelling charcoal concentration (weight) data; Il; string; ` cm{2} g{-1}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[6]: text for labelling charcoal:pollen quotient values; Il; string; ` cm{2} grain{-1}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[7]: text for labelling rate of change data; Il; string; ` cent.{-1}'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[8]: text for labelling ratio data; Il; string; ` ratio'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[9]: text for labelling Fourier analysis output values; Il; string; ` power'; any text up to 39 characters.
sunit[10]: text for labelling dendrogram; Il; string; ` Total dispersion'; any text up to 39 characters.
zone.fname: input file with zone details; Ed and Mc.3; string; cZONE, where c is the drive and path (if any) plus first four characters of the input filename; any text [must be legal on the operating system being used, but that is not checked by the menu].
zoner.flag: flag for zonation; Mc; int; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
zoner.meth: method for carrying out zonation; Mc.2; int; 1-6 (see menu).
zoner.model.ci: flag for modelling zonation; Mc.7.0; int; 0 or -1, entered as 1 or 0, respectively.
zoner.model.n: number of models to carry out for zonation; Mc.7.1; int; 10; 1-1000.
zoner.n: number of zones to be obtained by zonation; Mc.1; int; 0-(number of samples - 2).
zoner.pre: prefix for zone labels; Mc.4; string; first character of dataset title followed by a hyphen; any characters, up to a maximum of 24.
zoner.ransam: flag for shuffling samples before zonation; Mc.6; int; 0; 0 or -1.
zoner.tran: method of transformation of dataset before zonation; Mc.5; int; 0; 0-4 (see menu).
Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136