QUB | Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre

Manual for psimpoll and pscomb


Menu E: files

E Change or enable files
1 Main PostScript output file                    [comb.PS]
2 Input file(s)
9 Leave this menu
modifies the main output file. The default is comb.ps, which will be in the same directory as the program. This will normally need to be changed. Any file of the same name that already exists will be overwritten.
allows addition of input file names, in addition to any that have been given on the command line, up to a total of no more than 10. Some operating systems (e.g., DOS, UNIX), permit command line arguments, and on these systems input file names may be given by either route (or both). On operating systems that do not support command line arguments (e.g., Macintosh), using this menu is the only way to provide input file names.
All file names given must be legal under the operating system that you are using.

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Copyright © 1995-2007 K.D. Bennett

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre | URL http://www.qub.ac.uk/arcpal/ | WebMaster