QUB | Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre

Manual for psimpoll and pscomb


Menu L: age-depth conversion

Menu Lh: AD/BC scale
Enables plotting of age scale in AD/BC units without changing the C14 file. Age input for all variables is assumed to be in years before AD 1950, and 1950 years are subtracted from the input. The scale heading is adjusted, but can be over-ridden from menu I.

This option toggles between `off' and `on'.

If sediment accumulation rates are found to be negative, the program stops after writing the output file for age-depth data (if any was requested). This is to enable the user to examine the output, and find out exactly how the line-fitting went wrong.

You may find that no model produces, by itself, a reasonable approximation of the age-depth relationship in your sequence. In this case, produce your list of ages, perhaps by combining output from two or more models over different sections of the core, and incorporate it into your main input file, presenting the data by age rather than depth. However, if you do this, the program will not be able to calculate accumulation rates: you would also have to do that yourself, and no error estimates would be possible.

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Copyright © 1995-2007 K.D. Bennett

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136

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