QUB | Archaeology and Palaeoecology | The 14Chrono Centre

Manual for psimpoll and pscomb

Format of associated input files


Item 1
Number of sediment units
Items 2 onwards (for each unit)
The Troels-Smith code for the sediment in the form of sediment type (e.g., Ld), then the value for that type (an integer, 1--4, on the next line). Only types scored as 1-4 (not `+') can be shown. Then give the basal depth for the unit. Each unit will thus consist of between 1 and 4 types plus values, then a depth. Possible Troels-Smith symbols are: Ld, Lso, Th, Tbs, Sh, Tb, Ag, As, Ga, Gs, Gg, Dh, Dl, Tl, Lc, ptm, Dg, plus others found useful: Tuf (blank), Hc (Helen's clay), Hs (Helen's silt), Tep (solid black), los (laminated oil shales) and lcs (laminated clays and silt). Other symbols can be added as and when needed.
Items 3 onwards (for each unit) [Optional]
A colour for the background of the unit, written as text, one colour per line. Any colour in the colour palette is allowed, though it is expected that Munsell colours will normally be used.


Needed for converting depths to ages in radiocarbon years, or for calculating accumulation rates from concentrations. This file is searched for by default.


Item 1
Number of radiocarbon ages
Items 2 onwards (for each age)
Upper depth of dated sample, lower depth of dated sample, age, standard deviation of the age. Each value must be on a separate line. Each age plots as a block labelled with age ± standard deviation. If the upper and lower depths are the same (e.g., for an AMS date on material from a precisely known depth), a cross in a circle is plotted instead. This same symbol is also used to indicate age locations when plotting against age. The `age' and `standard deviation' are read in as text, not numbers. Ages that you might want included in the age column of a depth plot, but do not want used for calculation of ages from depths (e.g., a tentative tephra marker, or a reversed age) should be prefixed with a non-numeric character (e.g., present the age as `(4000)'). Give a single space character for the standard deviation to have it ignored and avoid the plotting of a '±' symbol.


Needed for converting depths to ages in calendar years derived from BCal calibration), or for calculating accumulation rates from concentrations. This file is searched for if requested in menu Lj (as an alternative to the C14 file). Note that this file acts as a control file, listing the files that themselves contain the calibration results (CAL input files).


Item 1
Number of calibrated ages
Items 2 onwards (for each age)
Upper depth of dated sample, lower depth of dated sample, and the name of a file that contains the full calibrated results. Each value must be on a separate line. The use of calibrated ages is complex, and discussed more fully under menu L. Each age plots as a block labelled with age, and (if available) ± standard deviation. If the upper and lower depths are the same (e.g., for an AMS date on material from a precisely known depth), a cross in a circle is plotted instead. This same symbol is also used to indicate age locations when plotting against age. It is not currently possible to include other, non-age, items in the CAL file in the way that is possible for the C14 file.

CAL input

These files should be probability distribution files output from BCal. See Example for more details.


Item 1
Number of zones;
Items 2 onwards (for each zone)
Labels, from the top downwards. Use a `_' on both sides of a section of text which should be printed in oblique style (e.g., `_Betula_-Gramineae'), and the same conventions for superscripts and subscripts as for taxa names (see menu I). Maximum length of label is 39 characters;
Items 3 onwards (for each zone)
Basal depths or ages, except the lowermost. The top of the highest zone is assumed to be the highest sample, and the base of the lowest zone is assumed to be the same as the lowest sample of the dataset.
Items 4 onwards (for each zone) [Optional]
A colour for the background of the zone, written as text, one colour per line. . Any colour in the colour palette is allowed. The colour will replace the default background colour for the diagram.

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Copyright © 1995-2007 K.D. Bennett

Archaeology and Palaeoecology | 42 Fitzwilliam St | Belfast BT9 6AX | Northern Ireland | tel +44 28 90 97 5136

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